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Young Bowlers Section – Operating Arrangements

Draft Policy Paper No:  DP19


 Bowls Oxfordshire Young Bowlers Section

Operating Arrangements


  1. The Bowls Oxfordshire Young Bowlers Section is one of four sections in the governing body of Bowls Oxfordshire. The Young Bowlers section comprises of the past U25 men, U31 women and young bowlers aged 7+.
  2. Objectives

2.1 The Young Bowlers Section will adopt the values and vision of the governing body in relation to all activities relating to play within the county. The ambition of the Young Bowlers section is to attract, nurture and develop young bowlers and provide competition and routes into senior level bowling.

2.2.  To organise a programme of matches against teams from other counties, clubs or specific clubs in the county etc.

2.3.  To provide progression routes into senior level bowling facilitated by regular communication between junior and senior team managers and selectors.

2.4.  To organise single sex and open competitions within the county

2.5.  To introduce county-wide young persons matches/ gala days.

3. Administration

3.1 The administration of the Young Bowlers Section shall be conducted by a committee comprising– Chairperson; Fixture/Match secretary; Competition Secretary; Finance Secretary; safeguarding officer.

3.2 The Fixture/ Match secretary and competitions secretary positions may be shared by members representing ‘Mens’ and ‘Womens’ bowls to ensure effective representation.

3.3. Finance Secretary duties may be shared but one person to have ultimate responsibility. (This could be combined with another role on the committee)

3.4. Team managers to be appointed / co-opted as necessary.

3.5.  Sub committees for the young bowlers matches (7+ - 16 years old) and competitions to be convened under the leadership of the relevant ‘main’ committee member.

3.3 The Section Chairperson may attend and vote at meetings of the Bowls Oxfordshire Executive Committee

3.4 The Chairperson may attend and vote at section committee meetings

3.5 The committee willconduct periodic section meetings, planned in conjunction with Bowls Oxfordshire committee meetings to ensure efficient passing of information both ways between the section and Bowls Oxfordshire.

4.  Matches

4.1 The Young Bowlers Section will provide a programme of matches throughout the season.

i. U31 Amy Rose - National Women’s Competition

ii. U25 White rose U25 National Men’s Competition

iii. U25 men’s, women’s mixed matches

iv. U18 Matches

4.2 The Young Bowlers Section will put in place processes for player availability, selection, player notification, and financial control of players and club fees.

4.3 Safeguarding procedures for young bowlers will be highlighted and regularly reviewed.

5.  Competitions -

5.1 The Young Bowlers section will provide a programme of competitions within the county throughout the season.

i. U25 singles and pairs for both men and women feeding into national competitions.

ii. Other domestic U25 single sex/ mixed competitions (as appropriate)

iii. U18 Domestic competitions            

5.2 The Young Bowlers section will put in place processes for advance publication, player participation, collection of results and arrangement of semi-finals and finals.

6.  Intra County Matches (potential league) and Gala Days

6.1.  Regular (at least twice per season) match/ gala days for all junior bowlers in County

6.2.  Organisation of interclub competitions will be devolved to a sub-committee to cover all practical and playing arrangements. (This is primarily for the 7-16 years old age group)

6.3   The above may in the future develop into a league.

6.4   The results of all matches to be published on the county website.

7.  Finance

7.1.  The finance secretary will collect and account for money collected for the various activities and account for them to the Bowls Oxfordshire Treasurer.

Collection of fees etc may be devolved to other members of the committee with ultimate responsibility resting with the designated finance person.

7.2. The finance secretary will pay host clubs and/or others for services provided, and any travelling reimbursements.

8.  Communications

a) The committee will ensure information is regularly updated on the county website for match selections, results and reports, for competitions and for league fixtures.

b) The committee will ensure regular information is provided to club secretaries, club delegates responsible for ‘club’ junior sections and parents (where necessary) for publication and dissemination to all young club players.

c). The committee will use email, phone, the website or social media for communicating, according to club and player preferences.


  • Dress codes – County shirts & county colours below the waist with appropriate bowls footwear when playing for the county. Club shirts and trousers/shirts/skirt etc when playing comps or league matches. For younger players a flexible approach to dress will be adopted.  Off the green, smart casual dress or playing attire.


  • Players records – The match secretarywill record which players played on which dates and send through a summary, annually to the County Secretary, of the occasions when bowlers played for the county so that awards can be made to recognise individual achievements for Bowls Oxfordshire.