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Affiliated To Bowls England

All Sections - Competition - Rules

Draft Policy Paper DP24

Bowls Oxfordshire – all sections

Competition Playing Rules

  1. The rules that follow apply only to the National and Domestic competitions that are organised at County level, as illustrated below.
  2. At the time of writing a major review of National competitions is being carried out by Bowls England to be effective from 2025. The contents of this document are therefore subject to change.


No of
No of
No of
2 Wood singles (M)
Men’s section
4 Wood singles (U25-M)
Junior section
First to 21
4 Wood singles (U25-W)
First to 21
4 Wood singles (M)
First to 21
4  Wood singles (W)
Women's section
First to 21
Pairs  (M)
Pairs  (W)
Pairs (Mix)
Mixed section
Pairs –U25 (M)
Pairs – U25 (W)
Pairs –Mix O60
Australian Pairs (Mix)
2 sets
Triples (M)
Triples (W)
Fours (M)
Fours (W)
Fours (Mix)
Snr Fours (M)
Snr Fours (W)
Ov 60 Fours (Mix)
Allison Cup (M)
First to 21
Longford Cup (M)
First to 21
Officers Cup (Open)
First to 21
Champion of Champions (M)
First to 21
Champion of Champions (W)
First to 21
Hawker Cup (M)
2 x 4
Top Club (W)
Junior Singles
First to 21
Junior Pairs
Amy Rose Bowl (W)
2 x 4
Balcomb Trophy (M)
2 x 4
Johns Trophy (W)
6 x 4
Middleton Cup (M)
6 x 4
Walker Cup (W)
2 x 4
White Rose Trophy (M)
2 x 4


 The Following competitions are organised at individual or club level and are excluded from this document.


Senior Singles Men    Senior Singles Women

Senior Pairs Men      Senior Pairs Women

Champion of Champions Singles Men  

Champion of Champions Singles Women

Family Pairs

Senior Mixed Pairs

Senior Mixed Fours

National Top Club Men

Club Two Fours Men

National Top Club Women

Tony Alcock Trophy

The rules for those competitions are provided in the Bowls England website.


  1.  Rules for National Competitions


3.0  The Men’s Section will organise all single gender, male competitions within those listed as National Championships and the relevant Champion of Champions event.

The Women’s section will do the same for women’s competitions listed as National Championships and the relevant Champion of Champions event. The Young Bowlers Section will organise the Under 25 events for both genders.


3.1  National Competitions are those competitions played within the County leading to the National Finals at Leamington. These matches shall be played either on weekdays in the evenings with a start time no earlier than 6pm nor later than 6.30pm or at weekends.
For weekday games an earlier start may be arranged by mutual agreement between competitors, but in the absence of mutual agreement the start time of no earlier than 6pm shall be adhered to.
If a player/team fails to appear and be ready to play within 30 minutes after the agreed time for the tie, the opponent/team may claim a ‘walk over’

3.2  Should a player, who has been expelled or suspended from a Club, be drawn to play at that Club in any Championship game, other than a side game, run under the auspices of or on behalf of Bowls England, the Club shall either allow the player access to the changing room and green in order to play the game or alternatively advise the challenger(s) to make other arrangements for the game to be played on a neutral green of a Club Affiliated to Bowls England. Under no circumstances shall the opponent(s) be expected to concede the game. Should the expelled or suspended player be a member of a ‘side team’ the Club fielding the player shall ask the Club from whom he/she was banned for permission for that player to access the Club. If permission is refused the player shall be withdrawn from the side. In all other cases the Club may refuse access.

3.3  Every competitor in National Championships must be a fully paid-up member of their club including County affiliation fees for the current year.

3.4  All games will be played on starred greens, except in the case of members from the same club being drawn together, who by mutual consent may play off on their own green whether it is starred or not. The later stages of competitions of Quarterfinals, Semi-Finals and Finals may be played on greens decided by the Executive Committee; the section Competition Secretary will appoint markers and seek to obtain umpires for these venues.


3.4.1  The first-mentioned player in the draw is the challenger and will be responsible for      payment of all rink fees.


3.5  Should the challenger’s green not be available the tie will be played at an alternative mutually agreed starred green. The challenger shall be responsible for the payment of all rink fees (where applicable).

3.5.1  Matches may be played on a surface other than grass provided they are played outdoors and that the green has been approved by the County Association. The Challenger shall inform their opponent if there is a likelihood of play on a non-grass surface.  


3.5.2  A minimum of two rinks shall be offered and drawn on the day.

3.6  Each entry shall be made by one named player only, and that player shall be excluded from being a substitute in the same discipline. Should the named entrant be unable to participate from the outset in the Championship due to exceptional circumstances, the team may request the use of an additional player if required (in addition to the original players that formed the team in the first match). Such a request shall bemade in writingto the Section Secretary for approval by Bowls England.

3.7  On receipt of notification from the Section Secretary of his opponent, or by reference to the website the player must arrange to play the tie on their home green on the date indicated in the draw.
A tie may be played, by mutual agreement, on a date earlier than that shown, with the exception of Quarterfinals, Semi-Finals and Finals being played on designated greens. The Challenger shall offer their opponent within 48 hours of the closing date of the previous round at least three dates, one of which shall be a Saturday or Sunday. The offering of two different start times on a single date does not count as two dates. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required for any dates offered to be eligible.
The opposing side shall, within 24 hours of receipt of the challenge, reply and accept one of the dates offered.
When the draw has been published in advance of the start of the Championship, the Challenger does not need to offer dates until 21 days before the closing date of the first match, nor does the opponent need to accept a date until 19 days before the closing date of that round.
If a challenge has not been made within the specified period, the opponent shall become the Challenger and make all match arrangements including the offering of dates and choice of venue.


3.8  The challenger’s home green shall be the Club from which he entered the County Competitions; he will be responsible for arranging that a marker is available in the Singles.


3.9  No extension of the closing dates for each round will be granted for any reason except for absences on duty with national or international teams. Holidays are not accepted as a reason for non-attendance.

3.10  The relevant Section Competitions Secretary has the right to alter any of the dates if, from any cause, it is found necessary.

3.11  If a game is stopped because of darkness, weather conditions or any other valid reason by the Section Competitions Secretary, the umpire after an appeal has been made by the players or agreement between the players when an umpire or representative of the Section Competitions Secretary is not present, the game must be continued by mutual agreement either on the same day or on a different day before the next scheduled round. If a team or opponent in a singles game, is unable to offer any dates, the defaulting team/player will forfeit the game. Scores will be as they were when the game was stopped. If an end has started but all the required bowls have not been played, it must be declared dead. (The end must be declared dead even if one or more players choose to remain on the green during the stoppage). If all the required bowls in an end have been played but the process of deciding the number of shots scored (as described in law 23) has not been completed, the number of shots scored must be decided before the game stops.

3.12  In a game that is being continued after a stoppage, if any one of the original players in a team is not available, one substitute will be allowed and can play in any position other than skip. If no eligible substitute is available, the defaulting team will forfeit the game to their opponents. Two trial ends may be played when the match is resumed on another day.

3.13  If after the draw for rinks has been made, a player in a competition or game plays on the same rink before the start of play on the day of the competition or game, that player will be disqualified.
The skips, their representatives, or the Section Competitions Secretary should make the draw for the rinks on which games are to be played. A minimum of two rinks shall beoffered except when all other rinks are being used.

3.14  Greens approved as starred have been indicated on the Bowls Oxfordshire website under the heading of Affiliated Clubs. Any Club whose green has not been approved as starred and wishes it to be inspected for that purpose must apply in writing to the County Secretary. Any complaints as to the state of greens must be made in writing, in the first instance, to the Section Competitions Secretary.

3.15  Winners must inform their next opponent and the Section Secretary immediately after the completion of the game.


3.16  Scorecards must contain the surnames of all players of both teams. In Pairs, Triples   and Fours, the players taking part in the first game shall constitute the team and shall normally play together throughout the competition. One additional, and the same player, may be used as a substitute at anytime provided they have not already played in the competition. They may play in any position. Substitutes should be clearly marked on the scorecard.

3.17  Winners must keep all their scorecards, duly signed and timed by both skips, and bring them to the Quarterfinals.

3.18  A competitor shall not enter any competition under an assumed name, nor shall they represent or allow their name to be submitted by more than one Club or County, in any one year.

3.19  The named entrant of a team cannot be a member or substitute of any other team in the same Championship. If a substitute is required during a game, then law 33 in the Laws of the Sport of Bowls will apply.

3.20  All bowls used in the National Championships must bear a legible stamp, which has an expiry date of 1985 or later. When no umpire is present the onus of checking the date stamp on bowls rests with the opposing player or players concerned.

3.21  Should a player wish to challenge the suitability of their opponent’s bowls then law 52 in the Laws of the Sport of Bowls will apply.

3.22  Smoking on the green including electronics will be prohibited during all rounds leading to National Finals. Failure to adhere to this will result in disqualification.

3.23  Players with disabilities may use types of wheelchair currently recognised for use in England. Artificial devices for delivering the jack or bowl may be used by players with disabilities, provided they have been approved by Bowls England.

3.24  Dress code will be County shirts & county colours below the waist with suitable bowls shoes when playing for the county. Club shirts and trousers/shirts/skirt etc when playing comps or league matches. Off the green, smart casual dress or playing attire.


3.25  Any dispute arising during a competition should be sent, in writing, to the Section Competitions Secretary immediately after the close of the game.

3.26 The Section Competitions Secretary reserves the right of full powers of decision, which will be final.


3.27  Empty

3.28 It is desirable that all finalists attend the County Presentation Function to collect their awards.


3.29  County Winners, and sometimes the runner-up, will qualify to represent Bowls Oxfordshire at the National Finals at Leamington Spa. Winners and Runners up are expected to attend the National Finals and will wear the county colours.


 National Championship formats


4.1 Singles. Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player.

4.2 Pairs. (Two players from the same club). Each game shall consist of 18 ends four bowls each player.
The Leads to play their four bowls before the skips. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end or ends shall be played until a decision is reached.

4.3 Triples. (Three players from the same club). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – three bowls each player. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end or ends shall be played until a decision is reached.

4.4 Fours. (Four players from the same club).  Each game shall consist of 18 ends – two bowls each player. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end or ends shall be played until a decision is reached.

4.5 Two-wood Singles. Each game shall consist of 21 ends – two bowls each player. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end or ends shall be played until a decision is reached.

4.6 Senior Fours. (Four players from the same club). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – two bowls each player. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end or ends shall be played until a decision is reached. The Championship shall be open to all Members of Clubs affiliated to Bowls England who attained their 55th birthday by the 1st April in the year of the Championship.


4.7 Champion of Champions.


This is open to the Men’s Singles and Ladies Singles Champions of any Club affiliated to the Oxfordshire Bowling Association.
If a player is a member of more than one Club, qualification can only be from the club from which the player entered the National Championships.
A player who does not enter the National Championships and who enters more than one Club’s Men’s Singles Championship, MUST. prior to the 1st May in the year of the Competition inform the Section Competitions Secretary and declare which will be their qualifying Club. Failure to do so will make the player ineligible to qualify from ANY Club for that year.
No substitutes are allowed.
Champions must be in attendance at 9am on the Saturday of the Competition, at a venue decided by the Section Competitions Secretary. Any qualifier not present at that time, will be eliminated from the draw. 


   4.8 Junior Under 25 Singles and Under 25 Pairs

These competitions are part of the National Championship structure and are gender   specific for both Young Men and Young Ladies. The same format applies to both genders in the way their respective matches are organised.


4.8.1.  Under 25 Singles.

Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player. The Championship shall be open to all Members of Clubs Affiliated to Bowls England who have not attained their 25th birthday on the 1st April in the year of the Championship. Preliminary rounds will be played on the challenger’s green. The green for all subsequent rounds will be chosen by the Junior Section Competitions Secretary.


4.8.2.  Under 25 Pairs.

(Two players from the same County). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – four bowls each player. The Leads to play their four bowls before the skips. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end or ends shall be played until a decision is reached. The Championship shall be open to all Members of Clubs affiliated to Bowls England who have not attained their 25th birthday on the 1st of April in the year of the Championship. The two players may belong to different clubs within the same county, so long as both clubs are affiliated to Bowls England.


 5.  Domestic Competitions

5.1  Domestic Competitions  are club and individual competitions played within the County that do NOT lead to the National Finals at Leamington. The dress code for Domestic competitions shall be greys or club uniforms registered to the County.


5.2  Club Domestic Competitions Formats

5.2.1  Hawker Cup. This is a club knock-out competition for men, open to all affiliated Clubs. The first Club out of the draw is the challenger and must make arrangements to play the tie; both matches to be played on the same date.
The games will consist of a team of two sides of Four players playing two bowls each; one side shall play at home; the other side will play away. The game will consist of 18 ends, but one extra end shall be played on the challengers' rink at home; the points of this end to count only in case of a tie after 18 ends have been played at each venue. The total score of the two sides shall decide the winner.

All players must be bona-fide members of the team they represent, and no player shall play for more than one team in any one year; and a Club playing a member who has previously played for another team in the same year shall be disqualified and the defeated Club shall be reinstated.
A maximum of Two teams may enter from each Club. Unlimited substitution of players within each team is permissible including in resumed games.

The semi-finals and final to be played on a date and green selected by the mens Section Competitions Secretary.

The Competition shall be played on the dates stated in the draw. The tie may however be played on an earlier date, by mutual agreement. In the event of adverse weather conditions preventing the playing of the game on the date stated, the game must be played on or before the following Friday.
In the event of a resumed game on a subsequent date, the game will resume with the scores, as they were when the game stopped. Two trial ends may be played.
A decision must be reached by the Friday following the date stated in the draw and, if due to continued inclement weather the tie cannot be played, the result shall be decided on the toss of a coin between the two skips playing at the challenger's green.

A suitable trophy plus a cash prize will be awarded to the winning club and runner-up, not to individual players. Losing semi-finalists will play off for cash prizes. It would be desirable that all representatives of the four finalists attend the County Presentation Function to collect their awards.

5.2.2. County Top Club  This is a club knock-out competition for women, open to all affiliated Clubs. Clubs may enter more than one team. In order to encourage smaller clubs to enter, two clubs may combine if they do not have sufficient ladies to enter separately.

The game will consist of a team of 10 players playing the disciplines of 4 Wood Singles (21 shots) 4 Wood Pairs (18 ends), 3 Wood Triples (18 ends) and 2 Wood Fours (18 ends). The rinks will be drawn for each discipline.

The Challenger shall have the choice of green and will make all the match arrangements, up to and including the Semi Final. If the mileage exceeds 100 miles club to club, the Challenger will arrange a neutral green.

The winners will be determined by the highest number of points scored – 1 point being awarded for each winning discipline. In the case of a draw, the winner will be decided from the total number of shots scored in the 4 disciplines. In the case of a further draw, the pairs,

triples and fours will play an extra end to decide the winner.

The winners will notify the ladies Section Competitions Secretary of the result as soon as possible after the match; the winners should retain all the score cards until the Final.

If a player is unavailable on the day the club may forfeit the singles.


5.3 Individual Domestic Competitions Formats


5.3.1  Benevolent Triples.This is a triples knock-out competition for women, open to all affiliated Clubs. The game will consist of a team of 3 players from the same club playing 2 woods and 15 ends.


5.3.2.  Blay Benevolent Cup and Plate.This is a one-day knock-out competition for women, open to all affiliated Clubs. The game will consist of a team of 2 players playing the lesser of 12 ends or 50 minutes. Pairs will be drawn. The event will be played as a singles if there are insufficient numbers to play pairs.


 5.3.3.  Allison Cup.This is a singles knock-out competition, open to all affiliated Clubs, for men who have not been awarded a County Badge of any County by 1st April in the year of the Competition. The game will consist of 4 woods to 21 shots.


 5.3.4.  Longford Cup.This is a singles knock-out competition, open to all affiliated Clubs, for men who have attained their 60th birthday by the 1st April in the year of the Competition. The game will consist of 4 woods to 21 shots. 


5.3.5.Officers Cup.  This is a singles knock-out competition, open to all affiliated Clubs, for men and women in the following categories in the year of the Competition. The game will consist of 4 woods to 21 shots.

  1. All members of the Bowls Oxfordshire Executive team or any of the sections, including Tournament and Selection Committees
  2. Middleton Cup Manager, and the Under 25s Manager
  3. Representatives to the Home Counties Bowls Association, and County Greens Maintenance Representative
  4. Club Officials: President, Chairman, Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Competition Secretary, Match Secretary, Bowls Oxfordshire Council Delegate.


5.3.6.  Mixed pairs competitionThis is a mixed pairs knock-out competition, open toall affiliated Clubs, with play by datesfor each round.A pair shall consist of one man and one woman. Play will be over 18 ends, four bowls each. The final will be played on a date and green set-in advance by the mixed Section Competitions Secretary.


5.3.7.  Mixed Fours competition.This is a mixed fours knock-out competition, open toall affiliated Clubs, with play by dates.A four shall consist of two men and two women. Play will be over 18 ends with two bowls each. The final will be played on a date and green set-in advance by the mixed Section Competitions Secretary.


5.3.8.  Senior Mixed Fours competition.This is a mixed fours knock-out competition, open toall affiliated Clubs, with play by dates. A four shall consist of two men and two women aged over 60 by 1st April in the year of competition.  Play will be of 15 ends, two woods each. The final will be played on a date and green set-in advance by the mixed Section Competitions Secretary.


5.3.9.  Australian Mixed pairs eventThis is a mixed pairs one-day competition on Australian Pairs rules, open to all affiliated Clubs.A pair shall consist of one man and one woman. Play will be best of 2 sets of 6 or 8 ends, dependent on number of entrants, with a 1 end tie-break, four bowls each. On the first end the Lead bowler delivers two bowls, followed by the Skip delivering four bowls. The Lead player has now moved to being Skip and delivers their remaining two bowls. The format of reversing the playing positions is then continued throughout the game. The losing teams from the first round enter into a plate competition, the winning teams a cup competition. The final will be played on a date and green set in advance by the mixed Section Competitions Secretary.


5.3.10.  Senior Mixed pairs event. This is a four wood one-day mixed pairs knock-out competition on Australian Pairs rules, open to all affiliated Clubs. A pair shall consist of one man and one woman aged over 60 by 1st April in the year of competition. Play will be best of 2 sets of 6 or 8 ends, dependent on number of entrants, with a 1 end tie-break. The losing teams from the first round enter into a plate competition, the winning teams a cup competition.

5.3.11.  Junior Singles.This is a open singles competition for players aged under 18 on 1st April in the year of the competition. Details to follow.


5.3.12.  Junior Pairs. This is a open pairs competition for players aged under 18 on 1st April in the year of the competition. Details to follow.


6  Rules for Domestic Competitions

6.1.  The rules for National Competitions in paragraph 3 above refer to the Domestic Competitions with the variations shown below.

6.2. The closing date for entries will be 15th January. Entries are to be made through the delegate of the club to which the competitors belong.

6.3.  The Challenger shall offer their opponent within 48 hours of the closing date of the previous round at least three dates, one of which shall be a Saturday or Sunday. The offering of two different start times on a single date does not count as two dates. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required for any dates offered to be eligible.

6.4.  A minimum of 16 entrants is required for a competition to take place.

The Draw for knock out events will be made by the Section Competitions Secretary in the presence of two other officers of the Section Committee. The Draw for the one-day competitions will be made on the morning of the competition.

6.5.  The players taking part in the first game shall constitute the team, but in an emergency, one additional player may be used as a substitute provided, they have not entered the competition as part of another team. The substitute cannot play as skip and must be clearly marked on the score card.

6.6.  For one-day events all competitors must sign in by 9.30 am and the draw will take place for a prompt start at 10am. The Section Competitions Secretary reserves the right to reduce the number of ends played or introduce timed matches in order to complete the competition within one day. In the event of more than 32 entries, the Section Competitions Secretary will draw lots prior to the event and unsuccessful teams informed.

6.7.  For players with disabilities Bowls England approved wheelchairs and delivery devices may be used.

6.8.  Any dispute arising during the competition should be sent, in writing, text or email to the Section Competitions Secretary immediately after the close of the game. The Section Committee reserves the right of full powers of decision, which must be final.


7. Inter-County Competitions

7.1 Amy Rose Bowl.  This is a competition for women aged 31 and under on 1st April in the year of the event. The match is two rinks of four; two woods each player. The winner is the team with the highest aggregate score.

7.2 Balcomb Trophy.  This is a competition for men. The match is two rinks of four; two woods each player. The winner is the team with the highest aggregate score.

7.3 Johns Trophy.  This is a competition for women. The match is six rinks of four; two woods each player. The winner is the team with the highest aggregate score. Early stages are played in groups within regional areas; quarter-finals onwards are knock-out.

7.4 Middleton Cup  This is a competition for men. The match is six rinks of four; two woods each player. The winner is the team with the highestaggregate score. Earlystages are played in groups within regional areas; quarter-finals onwards are knock-out.

7.5 Walker Cup  This is a competition for women. The match is two rinks of four; two woods each player. The winner is the team with the highest aggregate score.

7.6 White Rose TrophyThis is a competition for men aged under 25 on 1st April in the year of the event. The match is two rinks of four: two woods each player. The winner is the team with the highest aggregate score.