Safeguarding in a Bowls environment
Lawn Green Bowling attracts people of all ages, from the very young to people in their senior years. It is also a sport that can be played by people with disabilities. Whether young or old, disabled or otherwise, abuse or discrimination can occur and we encourage all Bowls clubs within Oxfordshire to appoint a Safeguarding Officer, to act as the focal point for support. This can occur from a bowler’s home or working environment or as a result of unfair or unacceptable treatment whilst involved with the bowling community. Bowling needs to be enjoyed by all those that wish to engage with the sport, whether as competitive players or those seeking a social activity and friendship.
The following guidance and list of contacts should help you through the difficulties that can occur from time to time:
Causes of harm, neglect or abuse may include:
Sexual abuse
This may involve forcing or enticing a child, young person or vulnerable adult to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the person is aware of what is happening.
Physical abuse
This may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm.
Emotional abuse
The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child, young person or vulnerable adult, such as to cause sever and persistent adverse effects on the persons emotional development. This may involve:
- conveying to people that they are worthless
- inappropriate expectations being imposed upon people
- hearing and seeing the maltreatment of another person
- cyber bullying. (bullying through use of email, texts or social media sites).
The persistent failure to meet the child's, young person's or vulnerable adult's basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in serious impairment of the child's health and development. This may involve:
- substance misuse whilst pregnant
- inadequate supervision
- lack of provision of basic needs, such as food, clothing and bedding.
Financial abuse
Including theft, fraud, or exploitation and the misuse of position or authority for financial gain. This may include stealing and withholding money from a person.
- If the person is at risk of immediate harm contact the police.
- Do not confront an alleged abuser.
- Ensure that information is kept confidential and is only shared with those who need to know.
Useful Contacts
- Oxfordshire County Council Assessment Team - 0845 050 7666
- Oxfordshire County Council Emergency Duty Team (After 5pm Mon - Thur and 4pm on Fri) - 0800 833408
- Non Emergency Police Team (For reporting historic concerns) – 101
Oxford City Council Safeguarding Contacts
Dani Granito, Policy and Partnership Team Manager
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Stephen Clarke, Head of Housing
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01865 252447
Helen Bishop, Head of Business Improvement
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01865 252233
Tim Sadler, Executive Director for Community Services
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01865 252101
Each of our five District Councils provide online forms to allow situations to be reported, when there are grounds for concern. This will lead to the right and appropriate level of support to be given to a Bowls Club Safeguarding Officer.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE – A Problem shared, leads to a problem being solved.
BOWLS OXFORDSHIRE fully supports the need for all bowlers to enjoy their participation in our sport and to avoid unnecessary conflict when at the Bowls Club.
See the list of trained Safeguarding officers for all our clubs, as your first point of contact.