sponsored by: Quainton's Antiques* Collectables* Gifts
- The league to be known as Oxfordshire Bowls League.
- The objectives of the league are to encourage competitive bowling within the county of Oxfordshire, and to raise the skill level within the clubs, thus contributing to the overall standard of bowling within the county.
- A committee to be formed comprising of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, and an Assistant Secretary plus a sub-committee comprising one representative from each section or division.
- These positions to be elected by a simple majority at each Annual General Meeting – the Chairman having the casting vote.
- Committee members shall normally serve for a maximum of 4 years – this is to avoid lifelong burdens being placed on those willing to serve on the committee.
4. All clubs within the bowling county of Oxfordshire to be eligible, plus any club within the geographical district who may apply and whose application is acceptable to the league committee. All clubs must be affiliated to a County Association.
5. The committee to decide annually the number of sections / divisions in the league.
6. The rules for the league to be drawn up by the committee and approved at the AGM.
7. League teams shall pay an annual subscription to cover expenses and prize money, the amount to be determined at the AGM. These subscriptions must be paid to the league by 31st December otherwise clubs will incur an additional 20% penalty fee. Failure to pay the subscription and any penalty fees by the date of the first league game will disqualify that team from playing league games during that season.
8. The winners of each division to receive a trophy, a pennant, and cash prize. The runners up to receive a pennant and a cash prize. The amount of the cash prize to be determined at the AGM.
The winners of Division 1 to be presented with the ‘Algy Allen’ Cup and be known as the Oxfordshire League Champions.
9. Presentations to take place at the League Annual General Meeting and will be awarded by the league sponsors or an officer of the league committee.
10. New league teams will join in the lowest division.
11. Voting at the Annual General Meeting is on a simple majority. League Officers, League Committee Members and Each Team having a single vote. The League Chairman having the casting vote.
12. A team failing to send a representative to the League Annual General Meeting will incur a fine of £10 unless an apology has been received prior to the commencement of the meeting.