Thank you to all affiliated clubs within Oxfordshire for returning the questionnaire about our plans for unification. Every club contacted has sent their views and the outcome gives us a clear steer for developing more detail on the proposal and outline plan.
Goring Bowls Club folded last week as you may have seen, so including Banbury Ladies and Banbury Borough Men , there are now 30 affiliated Clubs within Bowls Oxfordshire.
You may remember that it was agreed that for the proposal to succeed and proceed further,  a majority of 20 or more Clubs had to vote in favour.
The result is 28 Clubs in favour of the proposal and 2 against.
A meeting of the Bowls Oxfordshire Executive Committee will be held as soon as is practical in January to prioritise the next steps to take with the proposal
Can I thank all Club Secretaries, Committees and most importantly Club members 
for their assistance with this important subject , and I or the Bowls Oxfordshire Administrator Mike Morris will be in touch again as soon as there is further news to update you with.
Chris Weller 
OBA Secretary and member of Bowls Oxfordshire Executive