I am sorry to inform you that, at an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 13th December, Goring & Almshouses Bowls Club voted to dissolve.  The primary reason was dwindling numbers, such that we were unable to raise teams for all matches last season.  A secondary reason was that our secretary, treasurer and green keeper all need to retire and we had no volunteer replacements.  Our facilities at Goring were also barely adequate, and our green was anyway under threat of a takeover by the local cricket club.

It had been our intention to merge with Pangbourne and District Bowls Club, but Pangbourne felt they could not accept this for fear of inheriting unknown liabilities.  Nonetheless, probably about half our remaining members will join Pangbourne, who have offered them favourable terms. Any future fixture requests should be diverted to Pangbourne.  We should also be removed from the OBA website.  

May I wish all remaining clubs happy bowling for the coming season and beyond.

David Watson
Goring & Almshouses Bowls Club
07989 402190