League Cup Report 2024

  The report about the OBL League Cup can be found in the OBL tab, under match reports. Photos will follow within a couple of days.

National Women's Pairs Champions

Oxfordshire ladies retain the National Pairs Title at Leamington, congratulations to Kathy and Lorraine.

Hawker Cup matches

All teams playing in the Hawker Cup this evening are advised that the match is over 18 ends (not 21 ends). An extra end will be played by the challengers home team in the event of a draw after 18 ends. 

OBA semi-finals on Sunday 14 July

Please be aware of the slightly earlier time for the first games of the OBA semi-finals at Chipping Norton on Sunday, 14 July. Games start at 0945 hrs.

For details of the full semi-final programme go to the Bowls Oxfordshire News tab on this site.

new Bowls Oxfordshire facebook page

We are currently setting up a new Facebook page for Bowls Oxfordshire to increase our means of communicating with bowlers, friends and others that may be thinking of taking up the sport. We hope many bowlers will be friends with the facebook page and share with their own facebook friends in the future.


Whilst setting up this Facebook page, we became aware of an existing Bowls Oxfordshire facebbok page, which has rarely been used over the last 5 years and we'd like to contact the person that set this up, as they are the only ones that can close this site. If anyone is aware who owns this facebook page, can they please let john Hurren know, so that we can have a chat with them.  Thanks in anticipation of your assistance.

John Hurren (07786 072937)  

Change of date for the League Cup semi-finals

Please note that the dates for the League Cup semi-finals has been changed due to fixture congestion. The Semi -finals will now be played on Wednesday 28 August. The venue and start time reman the same (South Oxford B C at 6 pm, if not earlier)

Middleton Cup -6 July v Berkshire has been cancelled

 To all players and supporters,  please note that the Middleton Cup match against Berkshire scheduled on Saturday

(6 July) has been CANCELLED. Neither team could have made it to the next round. 

Minutes of Bowls Oxfordshire and the Oxfordshire Bowling Association

Following decisions made at the AGM's of both organisations and in the spirit of providing better communications with clubs and players, plus the desire for more transparency, all minutes of meetings, since the the start of 2023 have been added to this website. Progress of the unification project within the county has been a major part of these meetings.

The OBA minutes can be found under: OBA- Minutes of meetings

and the Bowls Oxfordshire AGM and Executive Committee minutes can be found under - Bowls Oxfordshire- Unification Matters.  

Both sets of minutes will be found in more logical places when the new website goes live on 1 April, 2025.

Photographs required

   You will be aware that we are developing a new website for Bowls Oxfordshire, which will go live in 2025 when the unification of bowls in Oxfordshire is launched. There will be 4 sections (Men's; Womens; Mixed; and Young Bowlers sections) with their own programmes of fixtures, competitions, and in some cases leagues, etc.

   We would like to receive any suitable photographs that could be used on the website to show and represent bowlers from each section, their various activities and anything engaging which may encourage the general public to consider trying bowling in the future.

   Please forward to John Hurren at the usual Email address if you have suitable material. Please see the draft policy on the Child Protection - Photography requirements if sending images of Young bowlers in particular.

   Thanks in anticipation of your support.

    Regards,  John