Minutes of Meetings

General Purposes Committee Meeting

Held at Kidlington BC on

Wednesday August 14th 2024, at 7.00 pm



Apologies. Alex Fleming, Sam Watts

In attendance Chris Weller, David Leighfield, Martyn Cooper, Ron Smith, Tony Wright, Mike Morris, Alan Scholan, John Henwood, John Hurren, Ryan Full.

Minutes of the GPC meeting held on Monday July 15th, 2024, having been circulated and signed as a true record. (Distributed with Agenda) 

Minutes Proposed             John Henwood        Seconded   David Leighfield

Matters arising

None received


None received

Treasurer’s report

Treasurer’s report for OBA GPC meeting on 15 July, 2024

Balance on 13 August 2024 - £ 16,499.50

The following is a summary of Income and Expenditure to date during the current Financial year between 1 November 2023 and 13 August 2024:

INCOME                                                £


EXPENDITURE                                    £


Affiliation fees



HCBA Affil & Comp entries



Comp entry fees (Dom)



Match food



Comp entry fees (Nat Champ)



Match Green fees



Match Income



Match travel costs



Visitors meals



Other travel






Under 25 Squad - clothing






Admin/stationary (inc Clubroom hire charges)









Trading a/c  (clothing)



Trading a/c (shirts)



Last years dinner (late payment)



Comp expenses






Presidents chain etc












Donations (P.Cross)






Deposit on October dinner



Under 25 Squad - clothing



Bowls Oxfordshire – running costs










This may look like we have made a healthy profit over the year, but we are yet to pay for trophies and engraving, any other competition expenses, and honorariums and we may be out of pocket for the dinner. (more later).

My stock of waterproof jackets is down to one only. No money received from Nathan Lewis for a shirt. The provision of new jackets is becoming a priority, particularly if men prefer this for travelling to and from events, compared with Blazer and ties. I seek agreement to get another batch of blue waterproof jackets for next year.

We have invested in £1,656 worth of clothing for the under 25 section in the hope that sponsorship would repay this, but little progress has been made on sponsorships.

Talks have started on sponsorships for next year and we have launched a new Bowls Oxfordshire Facebook page, which is now available. We still need to find someone with the necessary skills and experience to take responsibility for this role.  

The new Oxfordshire Bowls Facebook page was launched thanks to Ryan and Zoe Pratley for their administration. Ryan reported nothing but good, positive feedback about the page. Chris suggested inviting Lee Young to the next GPC meeting to take part in a general discussion on sponsorship and any insights on the best approach to take with this issue. The next GPC meeting is on September 10th. All present thought this a good idea.

John announced that Bowls Oxfordshire had a new bank account with Lloyds.

Competition update.

Finals, National and Domestic Competitions. Purchase and engraving of trophies.

Other than the Hawker Cup and Champion of ChampionsJohn Henwood announced that all competitions had now been completed for this season. Provisional dates fornext seasons competitions with the weekend of 12/13th July 2025 to play all the semis and weekend of  26/27th July 2025, on which to play the finals. It was hoped next year to combine both the Mens and Women’s semi-finals and finals over the same weekends. All present approved of this idea.

Lots of entrants didn’t show for 2 wood singles this year,with many giving no notice. John felt that change is needed as current system not working for this competition. The search would begin for a new fixture secretary as Sam Watts was playing bowls in Berkshire next season.

The engraving of all the trophies was ready to take place.

The Gary Harrington Singles U25 trophy had been damaged. As a result the two options were, retire the existing trophy and buy a replacement, or buy another mahogany base plate for the existing trophy at a cost of  £280.00. Discussion followed, a vote taken and a decision to retain the existing trophy, and get it repaired was passed unanimously.

OBA Presentation dinner/Decisions on publicising event this year, meal and cost. Update.   

When asked by John Hurren if he was willing to assist again this year with the Dinner preparation, Vice President Tony Wight declined, saying he was not able to help this year. John Hurren requested help from the Committee, as quite rightly he did not want to take on the running of the entire event himself, Eventually Ron Smith and Mike Morris said they would be willing to assist, as did John Henwood who said he would organise all the trophies.

The dinner was scheduled for Kirtlington Golf Club on Sat 19th October6.30pm for 7.00pm. A 2-course meal would cost £25.00 and a 3 -course £31.00. Menus proposed, with Gluten free and vegetarian options.

Chris said he would encourage prize winners on the night to attend by emailing all of them directly in an email separate to the Club Secretaries.

It was also hoped to invite some Past Presidents, but with 90 spaces in total available this number might have to be limited.

Dress would be smart casual, no jeans.

Preparations for final OBA AGM. Nomination of Mens Section Officers for 2024, form to go out to Clubs August /September, Deadline for forms to be returned, Additional October GPC   meeting date to replace Council meeting.

Chris said nomination forms for County Officers were ready to circulate on behalf of the Mens section, to be returned by 17th September although it might need a short GPC meeting in October, to sign off all nominees.

Chris said that he would add the roles of Communications Officer, and Sponsorship lead to the list of Bowls Oxfordshire Executive Officers.

Alengthy discussion then developed on whether to put all the remaining sections officers on the same form as the Menand Bowls Oxfordshire Executive Officers. Chris and Amanda pointed out the extra work this would involve for them, but eventually agreed that this would be a good idea and might make it easier for Club Secretaries to return the completed form.

Chris said he would contact Ann Lattimore and Jeanette Berry to ask if the Women’s section wished to be added as well. To ensure this was done as speedily as possible, so that the form could be circulated asap, he needed the list of Officers and prospective nominees from each section, as at present he only had a list from the Mens section. All Section agreed to this.

Bowls England price rises for National Competitions 2025

Alan explained that an email received on 23rd July from BE had informed Counties of an increase in their levy on competition entry fees for 2025.  BE had imposed an increase in the levy from £2.50 to £4.00 = £6.00 per person per entry, which was a 60% increase. At the Bowls England AGM the need to increase fees was debated, and agreed that and once increased, to be governed each year by the consumer price index. Prices had not changed since 2010, hence a large leap. The increase meant that potentially the sport would lose participants in the competitions next season through cost.

Alan had suggested proposals that might subsidize the cost on entry for those taking part over the next 2 years, but Chris suggested that it was Bowls England’s decision to make these increases, and as such BE should “own” this decision, the outcome monitored this year, and decisions taken in 12 months’ time if any were needed , and entry levels had fallen substantially. After further debate this was the general view of those present.

Therefore, BE needed to take responsibility for their decisions, and it might well be that players who take part in lots of BE competitions continue to do so, regardless of what it costs, but it may have an effect on those that might have entered one or two, but would now be deterred by the extra cost.


Bowls Oxfordshire matters. Competition entries, revised form.

Alan said in light of comments made at the recent BOE meeting he had revised the Competitions entry form across all sections and would be circulating asap, but with the extended deadline now of January 15th, 2025, rather than returning all forms by the end of September as was the case previously.

Bowls England, Safeguarding updates, and any other matters.

Ron was aware that a number of Safeguarding Officers needed to go on courses to update and refresh their roles. Although Bowls England did not state that this needed to happen every 3 years as other sports did, it was considered best practice. BE, he felt did not have enough suitable courses. He had completed one course online re General Safeguarding, dos and don’ts, in 20 minutes, but for SG Lead’s longer courses were required. Details of SG Officers needed updating, and Chris said that if there were any Clubs Ron wanted to check, for him to send him the name of that Club, and Chris would send him the Club details form of that Club which had been completed in January/ February this year.

Greens, Code of practice for next season, discussion of document prepared by Martyn Cooper.

A comprehensive Code of Practice of Greens had been completed by Martyn, and circulated to all GPC members, He accompanied the document with further comments on the County being aware of the resources, boththe financial and manual expertise that were needed to produce greens of the quality that everyone would liketo play on!

 Martyn read out his document and said for circulation and posting on the website he needed to rewrite it in the third person, which whencompleted he would send to Chris. A vote to adopt the policy,was taken, and carried unanimously.

John Henwood suggested putting it on the agenda for the AGM.and to be added to the website when passed, and it becoming another Bowls Oxfordshire Policy document.


OBA attendance and audience participation at National Finals. Tickets distribution.

Aan said that there were 3 full18 day passes and 7 passes for each day.

The 3 full day passes had been given to Mike, Anne and Ryan, to be shared with David and Zoe. The remainder of the tickets had been divided between OBA, BOL and young bowlers and he had divided the tickets for the other days between the Men’s and Women’s sections.

Alan had sent out the itinerary of dates on which the  Men, Women, Junior and Mixed sections competitions were playing which had been forwarded to Club secretaries.


Discussion of Progression plan prepared by Ryan Full.

Ryan introduced his Progression plan which he had submitted at the previous meeting. He said that thoughts gathered from around the County were mainly positive, although some changes had been suggested after discussion.The main point of agreement from all he had talked to was it was good to have a basic structure, baseline and implementation of rules and guidelines.

Chris said he thought the main issue over the 10 years he had been on the selection committee were that just 8 selectors heavily based in the West and North of the County had alternated as the 4 chosen each year, together with the Middleton Cup /HCL Manager, selected on a 3-year tenure. He liked the idea that one selector was responsible for a different area of the County, and that they should watch any number of games to view new players showing good or improved form. However, in reality this needed two things, a new influx of selectors being nominated, particularly from the South and East of the County, and if selected, them having enough time to view matches and up and coming players. If implemented he felt he would have to stand down as a selector, not necessarily because he disagreed with the proposed changes but because he had insufficient time to follow these principles, and so could not do the job under the suggested guidelines. He knew this to be the case with at least one other selector, Allex Fleming, who he had discussed this with. and not enough time to visit lots of games and view.

So, whilst it had in its present form some good new initiatives, further work was needed to implement it.

Chris said he had recently chatted to Greg Moon at the County semi finals and finals, who had mentioned he was planning to become involved in the selector process within BE. He had been complimentary about the number of good young Oxfordshire players now coming through, and Chris wondered if he was approached, if Greg might consider a similar role within the new Oxfordshire structure, or act as an ambassador within the new structure.

This idea attracted favourable comment and John Henwood said before the next GPC meeting he would contact Greg to see if he would willing to consider such a role.

Ryan said that although he was aware that selection committee was being considered to pick the Middleton Cup squad, he still felt that with the rightappointment, one manager in charge would work. He was happy for the Mens section committee to now debate the various issues that the Plan had raised.


HCBA County withdrawals. Result of EGM.

Mike Morris said having attended the HCBA EGM on August 6th ,the decisions made were as follows

A1. Varying the members of the divisions to reduce travel arrangements (Surrey)

A2. Kent to be briefed on the outcome of the vote and encouraged to consider options to

continue after a period of reflection.

Proposal B: Cancellation of the 2025 HCBA Championships

The majority of the Counties wished to see the Championships continue, with a final

decision to be made at the October management meeting (21 st October 2024).

Discussion led to agreement that in preparation for the October Management Meeting:

B1. Each County establish which of their 2024 County Champions is available and

prepared to take part in the Championships, with the Finals at Old Coulsdon (11/5/25).

B2. At the October Management Meeting, with the commitment of participants

established, a final decision will be made.

B3. It was acknowledged that a barrier to making the final decision is the lack of a

Competitions Manager .in his work in organising games.

All Counties present, were asked to prepare for the October Management meeting so that eventualities and options could be explored, addressed and decisions taken.

Discussion of jacket to be worn by Bowls Oxfordshire. Update

Having discussed at the past two GPC meetings the potential purchase of a new jacket with new design, at the recent BOX exec meeting this idea had been discussed and BOL President Ann Lattimore said she had worn husband David’s old style blue OBA waterproof jacket had found it very comfortable and therefore proposed it be adopted as the “Bowls Oxfordshire” jacket to be worn by both sexes. John Hurren said he would enquire about updated prices, sizes, availability and lead time to order and report back.


Martyn Cooper proposed a vote of thanks to be minuted to John Henwood for his excellent coordination and running of all the competitions this season. This view was endorsed by all present.

In turn John passed on his thanks to President Mike Morris for his attendance at all stages of the competitions. This again was echoed by those present.

Ryan said he had been considering drafting an open letter re standards within Oxfordshire as an open communication to all bowlers within the County, on behalf of Bowls Oxfordshire.

He would send the draft, when complete to Chris who could circulate it to GPC members for comment.

Chris gave an update from Alex on the fixture list for Men’s Section County friendlies next season, which might include a mini tour to play games against Dorset and Devon,

Chris also asked if there was an update on the Under 25 fun day on Sunday August 25th,

David replied that he expected organiser Zoe Pratley to update about a week before the event.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55.pm