Title: the Association shall be called Bowls Oxfordshire Ladies BA.
Objects: the object of the Association shall be:
To promote, foster and safeguard the level green sport of bowls for ladies in Oxfordshire.
To ensure a safe environment in which children and vulnerable adults can enjoy taking part in the sport by adopting the BE Child Protection Policy and procedures.
To adopt and enforce the laws of the sport as laid down by World Bowls and endorsed by Bowls England in their Rules & Regulations.
To hold County championships as a preliminary to the National championship and any other competitions that may be arranged.
To arrange matches with other Counties and Associations.
To interpret when called upon to do so by affiliated clubs, or the members thereof, questions of law and practice of the sport and to arbitrate in all differences referred to the Association for that purpose, arising between affiliated clubs, between affiliated clubs and their members, or between members of affiliated clubs.
- Any advice to affiliated clubs re the laying of greens and starring of rinks to be referred to the Men’s official County Advisor
To promote, foster and safeguard the level green sport of bowls for ladies in Oxfordshire.
Membership: the Association shall consist of all lady members of affiliated clubs in the County of Oxfordshire whose greens conform to the rules of Bowls England.
Admission: application by clubs for admission to the Association shall be made to the Hon. Secretary, accompanied by the name of the club, the names and addresses of its officers. The annual subscription as determined by the AGM must be paid before 30th September each year, and any club failing to pay the subscription by that date shall forfeit all rights and privileges so long as such subscription remains unpaid
All member clubs of the Association must also be affiliated to Bowls England, the annual subscription being as determined by Bowls England per playing member. The subscription must be made to the County Treasurer at the same time as the County subscriptions are due.
Every club applying for affiliation to the Association shall make application to the Honorary Secretary and such application shall be accompanied by:
- A copy of the rules of the club.
- The name and address of the club secretary.
- The numbers and names and addresses of lady playing members of the club.
- Particulars of the green or greens on which the members play together with its or their location.
All member clubs of the Association must also be affiliated to Bowls England, the annual subscription being as determined by Bowls England per playing member. The subscription must be made to the County Treasurer at the same time as the County subscriptions are due.
Handbooks: All competitors who take part in National and County competitions in any particular year must purchase the County Handbook for that same year.
Associate Membership: This shall be open to approved Associations on payment of an affiliation fee that shall be determined from time to time by the AGM.
Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held before the date of the Bowls Oxfordshire AGM (date to be brought in line with the Bowls Oxfordshire AGM to allow delegates to consult their clubs on any matters needing to be voted upon or decisions to be made at the BE AGM) 14 days notice shall be given of all General Meetings and twenty delegates shall form a quorum. Each club shall at all General Meetings be allowed one delegate (who must be the appointed delegate to the Council, or an approved deputy) with power to vote. Any other affiliated member may speak, but may not vote.
Whereas 14 calendar days notice shall be given for all Annual and Special meetings, such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the second day following on that which they have been posted and in calculating such 14 days notice the day of receipt and the day of the meeting shall be counted.
At the Annual General Meeting the Association shall elect from its members
- President (who shall be Chair of the General and Special Meetings, the Council and all Committees of the Council)
- Senior Vice President
- Junior Vice President
- Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- Honorary Assistant Secretary
- Under 31 Team Manager
- Honorary Competition Secretary
- Honorary Meeting Secretary
- Blay Benevolent Secretary
- Honorary Safeguarding Officer (Child Protection/Care of the Vulnerable)
- 4 Selectors
- Bowls Oxfordshire Delegate
The Annual General Meeting will receive notice of nominations for the above positions.
The move from JVP to SVP and then SVP to President is progressive and a further nomination is not required each successive year once a member has been elected to JVP. After a year in office as President, the member is automatically progressed to Immediate Past President.
The President, SVP, JVP, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Competition Secretary, Hon. Meeting Secretary, Blay Benevolent Secretary, and Honorary Safeguarding Officer shall all have the right of voting at the Annual and Special General Meetings of the Association.
No member is entitled to more than one vote, other than, if required,the Chair’s casting vote.
All nominations for office approved by the Club Committee of the nominee must be received by the Hon. Secretary by the 15th September each year. After that date nominations may be sought by the Executive Committee of the Association.
- The Executive Committee shall comprise the President, SVP, JVP, IPP, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Meeting Secretary and Hon. Competition Secretary. The County Officers shall be the Executive Committee with the addition of the Blay Benevolent Secretary, and the Hon, Safeguarding Officer.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held before the date of the Bowls Oxfordshire AGM (date to be brought in line with the Bowls Oxfordshire AGM to allow delegates to consult their clubs on any matters needing to be voted upon or decisions to be made at the BE AGM) 14 days notice shall be given of all General Meetings and twenty delegates shall form a quorum. Each club shall at all General Meetings be allowed one delegate (who must be the appointed delegate to the Council, or an approved deputy) with power to vote. Any other affiliated member may speak, but may not vote.
Special Meetings: Any constituent club may send a requisition to the Honorary Secretary to call a Special General Meeting of the Association.
Such requisition shall state the nature of the business and be submitted to the Executive Committee, who, if they consider the matter of sufficient importance shall direct the Hon. Secretary to call a Special General Meeting. The notice of the meeting shall state the reason it has been called and this shall be the only business discussed.
The Council: The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Council comprising The President, SVP, JVP, IPP, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Competition Secretary, Hon. Meeting Secretary, and one delegate (or her deputy) from each affiliated club. No member is entitled to more than one vote, other than, if required, the Chair’s casting vote. The Council shall meet on the second Monday in April, July and October (at the President’s discretion).
Selection Committee: Shall comprise the 4 elected Selectors (voting), Hon, Competition Secretary (voting) Hon. Secretary (non voting unless elected as a selector by Council when the position will then be voting. See note at end of this section). Those elected Selectors to have at least FIVE years experience as a County badged player. At least 3 non playing Selectors to attend all matches where possible, including the Johns and Walker Cup matches to assess play and to attend the first 3 games for the purpose of selection. A Chair and Team Manager are to be appointed at the first meeting of the Selection Committee. Three Selectors to form a quorum.
(Officers may be elected as Selectors providing they fill the above criteria and qualifications for the role).
Committee Vacancies: The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies and/or co-opt affiliated members to serve on any committee as necessary for the benefit of the Association.
Honorary Life Members: The Association shall have the power to election the recommendations of the Executive Hon. Life Members for outstanding services to the Association.
Under 31’s: The Association shall authorise and actively encouraged under it’s constitution the formation of an U’31 team, with an appointed Team Manager.
Past President’s Association: The Association may authorise the formation within its constitution of a Past President’s BA, to be responsible for its own finances and arrangements.
Honorary Secretary: The Hon. Secretary (or a delegated person) shall keep a record of all the business transacted at meetings of the Association and Committees, and at each Annual General Meeting submit a report of the proceedings since the last General Meeting.
Honorary Treasurer: the Hon. Treasurer shall render a full account of the Association’s income and expenditure for the past year duly examined and audited by an independent auditor, appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
Misconduct, Disputes and Arbitration: Misconduct shall mean misconduct as defined in the current BE Rules & Regulations. Procedures for dealing with the above are set out in the afore mentioned BE Rules & Regulations. In the event of any alleged misconduct, dispute, difference or controversy arising between any affiliated club(s) and/or any member(s) of such clubs who do not have in place a policy in the rules of the club concerned the misconduct and/or dispute may be referred to the County Association for resolution.
Alteration to Rules: No alteration of, or addition to, the above rules may be made except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. One month’s notice in writing shall be given to the Hon. Secretary setting out in detail the proposed alterations or additions, which shall be stated in the notice of the business for the meeting.
Other Matters: Any matter arising not covered by the foregoing Rules shall be dealt with by the Council whose decision shall be final. However, if an immediate decision is required this matter shall be dealt with by the Emergency Committee comprising the President, SVP, JVP and Hon. Secretary, whose decision shall be final.